As a newspaper or print journalist you are trained to delve into issues

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As a newspaper or print journalist you are trained to delve into issues

Post by jerin256 »

Detail when writing news, look for interesting angles , and always be careful when writing. Nevertheless, I still stayed at Jawa Pos because the salary given was much greater than other media, especially online. How did overcome these challenges? If I'm looking for an interesting angle , I usually add exclusive interviews that only my newspaper discusses.

However, when interviewing several journalists, I have to ask more detailed questions so that the news angle will be different compared to online media. Also read:Journey to Becoming a Pro Journalist Greece Whatsapp Currently, many print media such as newspapers have started to move online. How did he respond? Yes, it is unavoidable. In fact, Writing film reviews can help potential viewers decide whether to watch a film or not. Many viewers who may not be interested at first are willing to buy cinema tickets after reading the review.


Quoting the University Libraries , a film review is an article published in a newspaper, magazine, or scientific work that describes and evaluates a film. Usually, these reviews come from the opinions of journalists. When writing a film review, the writer must fulfill several elements such as synopsis, cinematography techniques, and the story presented. However, a film review writer may not tell the contents of the film or spoilers in the published article. This will certainly make the audience reluctant to watch because they already know the story until the end. Small things like this need to be paid attention to by anyone who writes film reviews for publication in the mass media.
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