sharindividual products of our agency - the Social Selling Cube

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sharindividual products of our agency - the Social Selling Cube

Post by PhoneNumber234 »

Rebranding Although it might seem that the hardest part is behind us, the real adventure has only now begun. We have an idea, but what next? It now needs to be used in the communication strategy and translated into action. However, the very definition of rebranding should be mentioned here. According to Marcin Kalkhoff, author of the blog: "Rebranding is about redefining the brand, its value, its message, and finally its materialization in some form - for example, a logo.

And that's what happened - we told our graphic designer about Cambodia Email List the vision, and he transformed it into a new visual identification, including: new logo, colors, fonts and patterns. When creating the new logo, an additional creative concept was also introduced, which is a perfect complement to our culinary storytelling. Until now, the SocialCube brand had a cube in its logo. Now the cube has been laid out in the form of a grid, which symbolizes the opening of our brand to new challenges and new customers.


Since then, we have been creating a space open to creative activities and Poland series of meetings or a series of video interviews called SocialCafe. While creating the new Key Visual of our brand, we also decided to have a photo session that would show the connection between our work and the culinary world. In this way, unique photos that we use in our social media and graphic materials came to light.
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