Always keep in good contact with customers

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Always keep in good contact with customers

Post by PhoneNumber234 »

To start this service business, you first need to ensure that your vehicle meets safety and quality standards. The vehicle needs to be maintained on time, inspected periodically and have full legal documents. This ensures that your customers will have a good and safe experience when renting a car. After preparing the car, you can advertise your services through media channels such as personal websites, social networking sites or websites specializing in car rentals.

In particular, provide detailed information about the vehicle type, rental Laos Email List price, terms and conditions, as well as insurance policy. When a customer contacts you, arrange a time for car delivery and sign a car rental contract. In the contract, it is necessary to clearly state the rental price, rental period, rights and obligations of both parties to ensure transparency and avoid misunderstandings. During the car rental process, you need to ensure that the car is always in good and clean condition before delivering it to the customer.


Make a general check of vehicle components such as tires, lights, brakes, air conditioning and other amenities. Additionally, providing a professional and friendly customer service is important., be willing to answer all questions and provide support during the process of using the vehicle. Creating a good car rental experience will help you build trust and attract customers to return in the future.
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